Sunday: Closed
Monday: 11am - 7pm
Tuesday: 10am - 7pm
Wednesday: 10am - 6pm
Thursday - 10am - 6pm
Friday - 10am - 3pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm

Seed Library

Gardening season is on! Stop by the Library and pick up seeds for planting. Seed packets are FREE. Limited 20 packets. Got seeds to donate? We'll take them to share>

Online Book Fair - May 20th to June 2nd

Books make great gifts for Birthdays, Graduation, anytime! Our next Book Fair will be May 20th to June 2nd. The library will earn 25% of your purchase during this time and 15% in between book fairs. This is a year round fundraiser for the Library, so the bookstore is always open for your wants and needs. Click Here to go to your store. Then bookmark for future use.

May's Mini Used Book Sale

Here's what's available for this month's mini used book sale. Choose from a variety of genres. Pricing: Hardbacks = $1.00; Tradebacks & Mass Paperbacks = 50ยข; Some books are priced as marked.

Activity Days & Nights

Come Join Us!! For any or all of the following Adult activities at 6pm:

Game Night 6:00pm - 1st Thursday of the Month
Literary Escape Book Club 6:00pm - 2nd Tuesday of the month
**NEW** Book Chat & Stitchery Group 2:00pm - 3rd Tuesday of the month
Movie Night 6:00pm - 4th Thursday of the month

May Movies Choices

Vote for Your Star Wars Movie for Movie Night!!

Stop by the Library and vote for your favorite movie for Movie Night, Thursday May 23rd at 6:00pm. The movie with the most votes WINS!!!!

Upcoming Events and Programs @NFCL

Upcoming Events

Stoytime with Mrs. Tudor

These will be the last 2 Storytimes with Mrs. Tudor until the fall.

$2 Quick Ticket

Stop by the Library for your $2.00 chance at $500.00. Winning number is taken from the Daily Lottery number drawn at 7:00pm on July 4th, 2024.

Input Wanted for New Activities

We're are looking to add some activities to the Library's Activity Nights.
Would you be interested in a Trivia Night where teams can compete with each other answering questions?
How about an Interactive Mystery Game Night, where you'd be working with others to solve a fictional crime. Stop by the library and give us your input.